Medications and Supplements

Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR): For more than 50 years, doctors have relied upon the Physicians' Desk Reference for the latest, most accurate drug information. Today that trusted knowledge is available to you and your family through PDRhealth.

The drug information on PDRhealth is written in lay terms and is based on the FDA-approved drug information found in the PDR. It gives consumers plain-English explanations for the safe and effective use of prescription and nonprescription drugs—explanations that are consistent with the information professionals are referencing in the PDR. Use this section to read about a drug your doctor may have prescribed to check for side effects, drug interactions, and other important information. Link to PDR made easy.
Directory of potentially inappropriate medications for the Elderly. Link to check Inappropriate medications.
Find medications by Ailment: The following is a guide to locating various Medications and Supplements by symptom. Link to Relief by Ailment.
Medication guide from MedMaster™†: Prescription and over-the-counter medication information is from MedMaster™, a product of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and USP DI® A. Link to MedMaster Drug Guide.
Topics on Drug Therapy: A service of the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health. Link to topics on Drug Therapy.
Additional links to locating information on Medications and Supplements:
- Prescription Drugs A-Z
- OTC Drugs A-Z
- Herbal Medicines A-Z
- Nutritional Supplements A-Z