Home Care Product Suppliers

Medicare approved Home Care Product suppliers: The primary purpose of this link is to provide names, addresses, and contact information for suppliers that provide services or products under the Medicare program. You can locate a supplier by either Name, State, County, City or zip code range.  Link to the Medicare approved Supplier Directory.
Health & Safety Information on Household Products: What's under your kitchen sink, in your garage, in your bathroom, and on the shelves in your laundry room? Learn more about what's in these products, about potential health effects, and about safety and handling. Link to Household Products and Safety issues.
Safety proofing your house for the Elderly: More people are injured in accidents that occur in the home than anywhere else. For your safety and independence and the safety of your workers you must make your home an accident free zone. Most accidents and other dangerous risks can be prevented. Link to Safety Proofing the living area.