Reprinted from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center

Spontaneous Regression of Advanced Cancer in Mice

Summary Part I: The SR/CR Mouse and Resistance to Cancer

Discovery of the Mouse


For the last few years, scientists in the Department of Pathology have been engaged in a project that revolves around a unique mouse serendipitously discovered at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in 1999 (the SR/CR Mouse). The original mouse of this type was part of an experiment in which mouse cancer cells were being transplanted into the abdominal cavity of other mice to produce cancer. This particular mouse, a member of a highly inbred strain of mice (BALB/c, all of whom are essentially identical twins genetically), did not develop the expected tumor, even though it was injected with a large number of tumor cells. When it was injected many times more with these cancer cells, it still failed to develop a tumor (Figure 1). Since the cancer cells used for the injections were from an extremely aggressive type of cancer (Sarcoma180, a tumor derived from connective tissues of a mouse), this result was highly unusual. To determine if this resistance was genetic, this mouse was bred to other normal mice, and it was shown that this resistance to cancer was inherited. The pattern of inheritance showed that it probably was caused by a single mutation in a single gene and was “dominant” (it only required one copy to work).

The SR/CR Mouse Colony and Its Genetics

After the initial experiments, breeding studies allowed this gene mutation to be passed on to a large number of offspring from the original mouse through multiple generations. In addition to the original BALB/c mouse strain (an inbred laboratory white mouse), the cancer resistance could also be bred into other inbred strains of mice with different genetic backgrounds (C57BL/6, CAST/Ei). Since such mouse types have been extensively studied for many years, scientists have techniques that can distinguish the portions of their DNA with great accuracy and determine from which mouse strain the DNA originated. Using this “genomics” strategy, the cross-breeding of the original BALB/c SR/CR mice to normal C57BL/6 mice allowed the determination of which of the mouse chromosomes carried this cancer resistance gene. Further studies will allow the precise mutation in the gene involved to be identified, although this is a highly complex process.

Does the Resistance Gene in SR/CR Mice Work Against Other Types of Tumor?

An important initial question in studying these mice was whether the resistance to cancer only worked against this unusual tumor type (S180 sarcoma), or would work against other types of cancer. Using several different mouse cancer types, such as leukemia, lymphoma, liver cancer, and lung cancer, it was shown that the SR/CR mouse was resistant to all of them. Further, other experiments were done to show that, in addition to tumors in the abdominal cavity, tumors that grow in other sites, such as under the skin, were also rejected by this mouse.

What Happens to the Tumor Cells Injected into these Resistant Mice?

Because the initial experiments used tumor cells that were transplanted by injection into the abdominal cavity of mice, the injected cells could be recovered at a later time and examined. It was also possible to see if other cell types from the resistant mouse were interacting with the tumor cells directly. When this was done, it was found that injected cancer cells in these mice were killed within the first day after they were injected. In addition, other cells from the resistant mouse, mostly white blood cell types, were found attached to these cancer cells prior to their death forming “rosettes” around the tumor cell. (Figure 2).

The white blood cell types found in these rosettes included polymorphonuclear leukocytes (a common white blood cell involved in killing bacteria in infections, also called “polys”, “neutrophils” or “PMN’s”), monocytes (a common white blood cell type that can also crawl into tissues where it is called a “macrophage”) and a special type of immune cell called a “natural killer cell” (NK cell). All of these cells are part of what is referred to as the “innate immune system”, cells that are active against many foreign organisms, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, without prior immunization. Suprisingly, very few of another type of white blood cell -- lymphocytes (T cells or B cells) were found. Such cells are normally part of the rejection of foreign cells by the immune system, and are frequently involved in more familiar cell rejection events, such as those seen in the rejection of poorly-matched tissues and organs (kidney, bone marrow or skin transplants). Clearly, something other than normal tissue transplant rejection was happening in these cancer-resistant mice.

More Evidence that the Cancer Resistance is Not Due to Normal Tissue Rejection

Rejection of transplanted organs between two individuals that are not precisely “matched” (that is, are not identical twins) involves a special group of white blood cells called “T-lymphocytes.” Such T cells (T stands for “thymus”, the organ involved in their maturation) have been extensively studied over the past 30 years, and can detect small differences between cells from different types of mice, and could have been responsible for the rejection of the cancer cells that originally came from another mouse. In other words, it was possible that cancer cells were rejected, not because they were cancer, but because they were foreign. To rule this out, a cross-breeding experiment was done, in which one mouse with the SR/CR cancer resistance trait was bred with a mouse that was genetically deficient in T cell function (a so-called “nude” mouse, since these immune deficient mice fail to grow hair normally). Several generations later, the offspring from that mating including some mice that had the SR/CR cancer resistance trait, yet were still defective in normal organ rejection. They were “nude” and thymus-deficient, and yet were still cancer-resistant. This showed that the cancer resistance mechanism operates even in a mouse that cannot reject mismatched organ transplants. Thus the resistance mechanism doesn't use T-cells. This is not totally a surprise, however, since these “nude” SR/CR mice,still have other cells of the “innate” immune system, such as those seen attached to the cancer cells prior to their death.

A Big Surprise: Cancer Resistance in These Mice is Dependent on Age

When enough SR/CR mice were bred to create a larger colony of these mice, other types of experiments were done. The original cancer resistance occurred in mice that were six weeks old --just post-adolescent for a mouse). However, it was now possible to wait longer before injecting cancer cells to see how well older mice responded. When testing for cancer resistance was delayed until 5 months of age, the mice that had inherited the resistance gene began to grow tumors, just as normal mice do. However, when the tumors reached a detectable size at 2-3 weeks, many of these mice showed a sudden decrease in tumor size in a day or two, followed by disappearance of the tumor completely. In some cases, this “spontaneous regression” of cancer (Figure 3) was quite dramatic -- a very large tumor mass disappeared overnight. What appeared to be happening in these older mice was that the cancer could grow until the anti-cancer mechanism finally “kicked” in, ultimately killing all of the cancer cells.

If these spontaneously regressing mice were then re-injected with new cancer cells, they appeared now to be completely resistant. Thus, they had been primed by the prior rejection of tumor cells. In a sense, they had been vaccinated against cancer. These primed mice can be repeatedly injected with cancer cells and remain resistant throughout their normal lifespan. If, however, the mice reached the age of 1 year before being exposed for the first time to cancer cells most of these mice were not cancer resistant, even though they clearly had the gene mutation (since their offspring were resistant when tested at an early age). This surprising result is discussed further in the next section, under the topic: why does cancer incidence rise with increasing age?

When Cancer Cells Die in the SR/CR Mice, How Does It Happen?

The failure of cancer to grow in the completely resistant young SR/CR mice could be due to some property of the mice that prevented growth of tumor cells, or it could be due to active killing of cancer cells even though they could initially grow. The spontaneous regression seen in older SR/CR mice, in fact, strongly pointed to a killing mechanism, rather than just preventing growth. When the cancer cells of the resistant mice were recovered, the cancer cells showed rupture of the cell surface membrane, a process referred to as cytolysis. Other experiments showed that this rupture probably involves toxic proteins that are manufactured and secreted by cells of the immune system. Two of these toxic proteins (perforin and granzyme B) were found in the fluid around the cancer cells.

A further important question in understanding how these mice killed cancer cells was whether the killing required live cells from the resistant mouse, or could be mediated by some floating molecule independent of intact immune cells. One way of studying this issue is to isolate cells involved in the killing mechanism from the resistant mouse and transfer them either into a normal mouse (Figure 4), or into a test tube with living cancer cells. In both of these tests, the cells from the resistant mice killed cancer cells, but the soluble materials did not. This strongly suggests that cells of the mouse directly attack and kill cancer cells. It also shows that resistant immune cells can be transferred to a normal mouse and, at least transiently, make that normal mouse cancer-resistant. This experiment, called 'adoptive transfer,' could be the model for a similar approach to treat cancer in people if such resistant immune cells could be generated in large numbers.

Another test is to remove the immune cells from the mouse and see whether cancer could now grow. When this “immunodepletion” experiment was done, and more of the immune cells were removed, the mice gradually lost their resistance to cancer. However, when the depletion treatments were stopped, the mouse regained its immune system and the tumor regressed. This is direct evidence that the killing of cancer cells in these mice is due to cells of the immune system.

SR/CR Mice are Healthy and Live a Normal Lifespan

The type of mouse in which this resistance mechanism was first studied, BALB/c mice, have a normal lifespan of around 2 years. An important question in the study of the cancer resistance mechanism was whether the resistant mice were healthy. So far, studies of these mice have not shown any shortening of their lifespans. In fact, the original mouse with this trait which had been injected with large numbers of cancer cells many times during its life lived to be 26 months old and had many offspring.

Another important question is whether the ability to resist cancer is accompanied by some other disease problem. For example, special genetically altered mice have been developed with highly active immune systems that can reject tumors, but they usually also show evidence of rejecting normal tissue cells, a process referred to as “autoimmunity.” Autoimmune mechanisms are the basis for several serious human diseases, such as lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. However, the SR/CR mice have shown no signs of these autoimmune complications. The cancer resistant mechanism in these mice is surprisingly selective, apparently only affecting cancer cells. This selective property is of great interest to scientists studying these events, since it suggests that such selectivity can actually exist and be the basis of future anti-cancer therapies.

The SR/CR Mouse Mutation as a “Handle” to Study Cancer Resistance

Since the resistance seen in the SR/CR mice is an inherited trait, and appears to involve a mutation in a single gene, then the identification of the mutation and the gene which contains it can provide important clues as to how it might work. Since all of the genes of the mouse and the human have been identified from the various genome projects in the last few years, it will be possible to examine the exact mutation in the mouse and to correlate it with possible changes in similar genes in people. Mice and people have similar immune systems. It is likely that if we can understand the mechanism that is used by this mutation in mice, we will be able to apply this knowledge to identify and manipulate similar mechanisms in patients. The key to this study is the exact nature of the mutation present in these mice. Multiple studies are underway to identify this mutation and its consequences. While there are no guarantees that we can use this knowledge to treat human cancer, we can speculate on the future secrets that this information could reveal, as described in the next section.


Summary Introduction

Part II: Speculations —
What Might This Unique Mouse Tell Us About Cancer?